Wednesday, June 20, 2007


For a while now, I've been an avid fan girl of listening to a Podcast on Harry Potter called MuggleCast. They update weekly on Sunday and it's basically a bunch of young peoples that just talk about anything Harry Potter. I've been listening to them since last September and am absolutely in love with them. If anything they are the main reason I became such a big HP fan girl. They honestly have really good discussion and theories about the HP world and predicitons of what is to come in Deathly Hallows. They are based out of the website MuggleNet. This is a website all done by fans, originally created by a teenager and ran by teenagers for most part. It's an amazing site with tons of great links and info. But anyways, the podcast is pretty cool and has kept me very entertained at work and has given me new ideas and insight about Harry Potter and whatever.

Recently I was pointed in the direct of a new podcast called Geek Nights. I found it from a blog post from Anath of Apple Geeks. This is podcast done by two guys, Scott & Rym that talk about anything along the geek spectrum. They basically do 4 podcasts a week, Monday is Science/Technology, Tuesday is Gaming, Wednesday is Anime/Comics, and Thursday is a open discussion. I got lasts week's episodes to try them out.

and man...

This podcast is awesome. I could not stop laughing and be entertained by these guys. They are absolutely hilarious and I can not talk enough about how awesome this podcast is. If you haven't heard of them, you need to go download their shit and listen to them. I then started downloading more episodes, one anime one that goes over Revolutionarly Girl Utena, which is one of the best episodes I've listened to. If you've seen this series, you need to listen to their podcast, because the way they desribe and review it, hits the nail on the head and makes you "lol" all the way through.

I really look forward to listening through their archives. But yeah go get it!

And if you listen to other podcasts, what do you listen to? I'm curious to know and see what else is out there.

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