Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Another Convention

Totally forgot about Emerald City Comicon at Qwest Field March 31st-April 1st. Jeremy & I will be attending.

I look foward to seeing Scott Kurtz from PvP, Brian Michael Bendis & Mike Avon Oeming (creatos of Powers), to name a few choice guests there.

I'll have to stop by TicketMaster to get tickets. It'll be fun going since I've never been to an actual Comic Convention. ^_^ I'll have to make sure to either pick up all the Powers Series to have them signed or just stop by the Comic Book Ink booth and buy them there.

Either way more Convention love to be had!

grr @ my apt

So I'm working OT early all week long. As I play Snooze tag with my alarm clock this morning, around 4 AM, I hear this odd sound.

A dripping.

Not fucking again.

Yes there is another goddamn motherfucking leak coming from upstairs.

This time it was in my closet with the water heater. More than likely the upstairs apt's water heater is leaking which is why it's leaking through my ceiling.

Did I page maintenance?

Oh you bet I fucking did. I told them this was the 3rd time in like 2 months that my apt had some sort of leak problem. It's getting ridiculous. Guy told me if it was ok if he came to check it at 9 AM. I told them that since the leak wasn't too bad, it's fine, I wouldn't be home due to work and gave them permission to enter.

Regardless I'm calling the main office when they open to chew their asses out. This is so no right. I shouldn't have to worry about what's the next thing that's gonna leak in my apt. I mean especially if I'm not there. Only time I'm in my apt is during the weekdays really, the weekends I normally go hang out with Jeremy in Kent. I shouldnt' have to worry about what's the next damn thing that's gonna spring and leak, and ruin my shit.

Fuck. What a way to start a day.

On top of that I've been getting a scratchy throat and stuffy nose. Please don't tell me I'm getting sick again.



Tuesday, January 30, 2007

upcoming conventions

So the Penny Arcade Expo site is finally updated for the new dates of it. Pretty much the only thing on there worth doing is registering. At least I know the dates, so I can schedule time off to go.

Also there is Sakura Con which is in April. I do believe I'm still a guest liason. I hope so at least, if not, hmm.. However, I did look at the guest list so far and saw this guy as a guest. ZOMG!

I wonder if I'll be assigned as his guest liason. *cough*hint*cough*Chris L*cough*

I can only imagine how funny Jeff Jacques would be. If anything I'll try to make it to his panels, buy some cool shirts and have him autograph something.

But yeah, looks like I'll have to save some money for both those cons. I'm just looking forward to go! ^_^

Monday, January 29, 2007

weekend wrap up

Been meaning to post this, but work has me busy, which is a good thing. (Yay for job security!)

Anyways, I had a very busy weekend.

Friday, from what you saw, I was on the quest for a Wii as well as excrucitingly waiting for my car to get fixed.

So I was calling various Gamestops, EB Games, Game Crazies, Targets, Fred Meyers, Walmarts, Sears, K-Marts..etc.. After so many calls.. I finally call a Game Crazy in Auburn. (For those who aren't Washingtonians, that's like 30mins away from me) Pretty much hearing the same spiel of "Thank you for calling *name of store* where we buy and sell used games/where you can reserve your copy of *new awesome title coming out* how may I help you?"

I then ask, "Do you have the Wii?" and pretty much all of them say "no". But when I called this Game Crazy in Auburn, I decided to say something different. I replied to them after they answered the phone, "I'm pretty sure the answer is 'no', but do you have the Wii?"

They then replied, "Yes. We do." "Come again?" I replied. I did a double take. I was like.. "Wait a minute, you have a Wii in stock?" They answered "Yes we got 4 in today?"

ZOMG! O_O I couldn't believe it. I found the Wii. So I asked if they hold them and they said no, so I told them I'm on my way. I take time off work, head to the credit union to get monies. As I was leaving the credit union, I called them back, begging and pleading my case that I was coming from 30 mins away, taking time off work to go get the Wii and if they could hold one for me, I would have their babies. They said, if you get an MVP account with us, sure. It was only $20 plus I get a magazine subscription, so I was like, if that's what it takes.. sure.

I haul ass to Auburn, and the directions that Mapquest gave me, blowed serious goats. I think I'm just gonna use Yahoo Maps from now on. Because the directions they gave me were just lame. But anways I found it. I got the Wii, plus an extra Wii remote & nun chuck, and picked up Zelda: Twilight Princess. ^_^

My epic journey for the Wii had come to an end. Funny that I had a similar epic journey/quest for the DS a few weeks ago. It's like whenever it comes to certain nintendo products, I have to end up going on some epic quest. I hope this isn't the case for future release titles. If that's the case, I'll make sure to reserve a damn copy.

From what I saw the only titles that really tickle my fancy is Mario Galaxies which comes out in April and ZOMG.. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles : The Chrystal Bearers in December! I sooo look forward to this game. I'm sure Wooko, Chris, & Pete will be down for some multiplayer FF:CC-fu. And before that the DS version of FF:CC will be coming out as well. I believe that's in May. So that will be fun to play too multiplayer, hopefully with the guys.

Ok so after getting the Wii in Auburn, I haul ass back to Lakewood, because by the time I go there, I figure my care should be done and I had to go get my mom to help me pick it up. And it's as if everything was falling into place. Exactly when I get off the exit to my work to get my mom, Lakewood Transmission calls me to tell me my car is done. Yay!

So I finally have my car! And oh how it works like it used to! So yay! Ran various errands aftwards and headed towards Kent to hang out with Jeremy for the weekend.

That evening watched Smoking Aces with Jeremy. It was a fun movie, IMO. Wasn't great or epic or ZOMG you have to watch this movie. A lot of funny moments and overall enjoyable.

Saturday, went to Seattle. First went to the international district to Uwajimayas. Ate some lunch and did some yummy asian snack shopping and got Hana Kimi 15 & Kare Kano 21 at Kinokuniya.

Then we headed to the Seattle Center to park there cuz it's cheap, and took the monorail to Pacific Place for window shopping. Heading to Pike's Place because there was a store near there called Swerves that a used CD/DVD place. Picked up Finding Nemo & Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, to replace my collection of movies because a so-called rat bastard ex boyfriend, *cough*Brien*cough*, took them from me. Got yummy gelato and went to the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Co and got a caramel dipped apple with cinamon on it. It was muy delicioso when I ate it on Sunday. We then headead back to Pacific Place area, went to Borders to check out the books then ate dinner at Cheesecake Factory again. Couldn't help it, they have such yummy food. After that headed back to Seattle Center and went home.

So as we got home, we hooked up the Wii. And started playing Wii Sports.


I am embarrassed to say, I am now sore from playing Wii Sports. From playing Boxing, Bowling, Tennis, & Baseball, I kinda over exerted myself with the swinging of my right arm. I think my lats and trapezius are the most sore right now. I'll have to make sure to stretch before I play Wii Sports again. LOL. But yeah I totally pwned Jeremy in Boxing, Tennis, and Bowling.


Sunday ran various errands at Walmart. Jeremy had his friends come over. We played some WoW TCG w/ the Onyxia Raid deck. We finally beat Onyxia, but we had to implement some house rules.

Anyways, it was a very busy and very fun-filled weekend. I just look forward to going home soon and playing some Wii, watching Samurai 7, & a brand new Heroes tonight! ^_^

the end of Kare Kano!

I just finished reading the last volume of Kare Kano

OMG. *tears* ; _ ;

Such a great manga series. I'm both happy and sad it's over. I enjoyed the ending, but there was one part that was so evil that made me yell out "OMGWTF!". I won't spoil is for you people, but I'm sure you know the part I'm reffering to.

So ends another manga series, and me wanting more. However, right now I'm on a current break from reading. Well I'm just taking my time now reading Eldest. My reading binges of late has exhausted me and also getting a Wii, makes me want to do other things with my spare time.

I also picked up Hana Kimi Vol. 15, so that should keep me occupied for no more than 30 mins. I should be done with it today, so Chris, let me know when you want it. We can swap the W-Juliets you have of mine for the next Hana Kimi.

Friday, January 26, 2007

zomg it's about time! ^_^


I cannot express how happy I am it's finally FRIDAY! I got paid today with my $900 bonus! Now on my epic quest for the Wii! So far I've called numerous Gamestops, EB Games, Target, Sears, Walmart, Fred Meyers, etc and no luck yet. However, on Sunday, apparently Walmart is having a sale on them. Supposively each Walmart is going to get 5 consoles each.

My plan of attack goes as follows:
I go on Saturday night to the Auburn Walmart at 10/11 because they are open 24 hours and wait for midnight to buy it. If that doesn't work..

I then go to the Covington Walmart that opens at 7 AM and wait in line at 5 AM.


And finally..
My car is finally getting repaired & I should be able to pick it up today. After waiting for the stupid dumb ass part that was needed to be delivered by UPS from California, they get it in yesterday.. but wait..


So they finally ordered a part directly from the dealership, which costs me an extra $200, but I don't care. I just want my car. And plus I'm on financing for like 4 years! But I plan on paying it off within the first 90 days because if I do that, I won't have to pay any interest. But yes.. if all goes well, my car should be done.

*begs/prays for it to work out*

So now, I'm happy. Very happy actually.

Yesterday, was the 6 month-a-versary for Jeremy and myself. We celebrated by going out to dinner. He surprised me by taking me out to Cheesecake Factory, one of my all time favorite restaurants. I've been wanting to go there for a very long time and everytime we plan on going, someone always comes up, but now we finally got to go.

Dinner was devine. For appetizers we had Buffalo Blasts. Imagine buffalo chicken goodness plus heaven in your mouth, you get Buffalo Blasts. Basically what they do is they chop up chicken breast and soak/cook it in buffalo sauce, then they wrap it up in a large won-ton type wrapper and then fry it. You then dip it in either blue cheese or buffalo sauce. Can you hear that? Yeah that's the sound of angels singing from above, because it's that good.

For the main course, I had the Thai Chicken w/ noodles in peanut sauce. OMG! SO GOOD. I could barely eat 1/4 of it, because they have such large portions, but oh I have a good lunch for today! ^_^

Then we had cheesecake to-go. I had the Raspberry Lemon Cheesecake, Jeremy, being a big peanut butter/cookie dough/chocolate lover, had the Peanut butter chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake. WOW talk about a rich cake.

It was a great evening.

and to top it off...

He told me he loves me. He really and truly loves me. (yes sappy i know, deal w/ it :P)

But yeah. *SIGH* I am so happy. I haven't been this happy since, who knows when?


I hope you all have a great Friday and weekend!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

a whole week

A week.

Is the time that Lakewood Transmission will have had my car. ARGH!

So after many phone calls to them, trying to find out if UPS delivered my clutch kit, I come to find out that, UPS was supposed to deliver it this morning, however the truck that had my part, broke down.


So they should get the part later on today, however it will take 4 hours to work on my car, which means, yes ladies and gents, it should be done by tomorrow. Hypothetically. Knowing my recent luck, I have a feeling that something will come up to delay me from getting my car. I can't help but be so pessimistic.

However, I am trying my best to stay positive and have a small ray of hope inside of me, thinking that tomorrow will be better, my car will be finally done, I will get to see Jeremy, and I will see if we truly get our bonuses in our paycheck this Friday. Every Thursday before payday, we are able to see our paycheck stubs for our direct deposit, so I'm crossing my fingers and hoping to see it there. If my car is FINALLLY done by tomorrow and I know I will get my $950 bonus, then that will make up for all the stupid shite that has gone on this week.

If can be the shit icing on the crap cake that this week has become.

hahah wikipedia rules

Ok from my last post, seeing how cool wikipedia is and how they had Kelaguen on it, I thought to myself, since they have Guamanian/Chamorro food, they should more than likely have Filipino food.

So I search for the basic flip stuff: pancit, lumpia, etc..

and OMG THEY HAVE A TON OF STUFF on Filipino dishes:

So Chris,

I know you read this, but I couldn't help but laugh at the article on Balut (along w/ pictures), cringe and Dinuguan, and smile at halo-halo! Ahh I miss home cooking! >.<

a little silver lining to my craptastic day

Still no word on whether or not the mechanics got the part it. >.< I'm getting beyond annoyed by this shite.

Oh btw on top of Questionable Content being blocked, you can add Chugworth and Loserz to that.


I love Chugworth and Loserz, although I can see why it was blocked.

But to make my day a lot better, I totally forgot my father made Kelaguen (pronounced kel-a-gwin) last night and gave some to my mom to give to me.

To explain I found that wikipedia had an article on it. How freaking cool is that? But anyways it gives a brief description on it. However, my father doesn't use coconut, and I prefer it that way. He made my favorite, the chicken kind. And have found a pic on the internets to show what it looks like:

I am currently savoring each delectible bite as I type this. So that's probably one of the better notes of my day.

I'm just hoping that my car gets fixed, but seems more than likely it won't.

/eats kelaguen

God, let this week get better

So yeah this week has been pretty damn shitty so far. Well it actually started last week, so I guess I can start from there.

So over the last few weeks, I've noticed the deterioration of performance of my car, specifically the acceleration. I was thinking.. "umm.. shit. is this my tranny or my clutch?" So last monday, MLK, my day off, I take it in to KIA to have them check, because I "thought" I had full coverage, bumper-to-bumper warranty. but apparently as I should have known, I do not. Everything but my clutch is pretty much covered. My clutch was/is only covered for the first year/12,0000 miles. Yeah my car is over 2 years old. So it happens that it was my clutch that needs replacing. And the Kia service center quotes me $1500 to replace it. WTF! T_T That's retarded! And I had to pay them $90 to tell me that. Fucking BS. So I pretty much bent over and took it.

But I did not let them fix my car. Fuck that. I knew I could find places WAY cheaper than the price they quoted me. Vultures. Fucking bastards. Anyways, so over the next few days, I'm calling car places, getting quotes. I finally get a quote I like from a place a coworker recommended to me. They quote me at around $600. So I tell them the part I needed so they can order it. So I take it in last Thursday and the part should have came in last Friday morning and should have been repaired by later that afternoon.

So I call Friday to check on the status. Apparently the clutch kit they ordered was the wrong one. It was for a different sized engine. WTF. I basically gave them the engine car info from the invoice I got from Kia. Yeah. They were wrong, Kia that is. So they had to order the part which was coming from California. And it would take 3 days to get there, so making that Tuesday be the earliest it would arrive.So I accept that fact, it was mistake on mine and kia's part for giving them the wrong specs of my car for the part that they needed to order.

Come Tuesday, I give them a call on Tuesday, and still no car part. They said they "should" have it by Wednesday. so I call them this morning, still no part yet, however it might arrive later on today. FACK FACK FACK FACK FACK! >,< I want my effing car. I hope to God that it comes in today and I can get my car back. I want my car before tomorrow because I don't want to use my parents car going up to Kent to see Jeremy and I will be going there tomorrow because it's our 6 month-aversary and he's taking me out to dinner and what not.

On top of my stupid car issues, I've been feeling under the weather. I've had a recent rash of headaches lately. And normally, I don't get headaches, so I've been drugging myself with aspirin and tylenol, and for some reason, yesterday, my headache would not go away. When I got home, I felt better and throughout the night, I was fine. When I wake up this morning I was feeling fine, but right when I get to work.. BAM.. headache. So yeah. I took some aspirin and that seems to be doing the trick. So, so far.. so good..

Another thing, last night, I was taking a nap in my recliner and I hear this weird sound from behind me. A dripping sound. Immeadiately I was like "Oh no...please not again"...

*Quick backstory*
About 2 months ago, similar situation, I was in my recliner taking a nap, and I hear a dripping/raining sound that was pretty loud. I go to investigate and apparently the vent in my bathroom was leaking..wait.. not leaking having a FUCKING DOWNPOUR! So I'm freaking out, trying to find towels and bowls to collect the water. I page maintenance and by the time they got there, the leaking stopped. Basically my upstairs neighbor took a late shower and a pipe burst which caused the leak. They fix it the next day..

So back to the main story, I heard a drip, fear rushing into my mind, I turn around, my sink was overflowing with water. I quickly get up and get all the towels I had to preven the water from spreading, however part of my carpet got wet. I then page maintenance and had to wait half and hour for them to come and fix it. And more than likely my upstairs neighbor had another late shower, I'm pretty sure they did because I heard the water pipes running. So yeah, it was late at night, around 10:30 getting my sink fixed. /sigh I'm getting really annoyed now at the water leaks going on in my apt. I called my apt. office and asked them to make sure there aren't any broken pipes, because I don't want this shit happening again, esp if I'm away for the weekend with my boyfriend or whatever. So hopefully they'll find out what's going on.

So yeah.. so far a pretty fucking shitty week. I want my fucking car fixed. My apartment is leaking and I've been getting headaches. All I am looking forward to is seeing Jeremy on Thursday so we can celebrate our monthaversary and this weekend of being with him and having it just "us" and not "us and his friends". Planning on going to Seattle and just hanging out, window shopping and various things. I hope the weather will be good..

/sigh.. one more day..


So because I really don't have a lot of work to do today, I decided today is webcomic catch-up day. I'm like almost 2 weeks behind, so that gives me a lot to read.

So I go to one of my favorite webcomics Questionable Content. And lo' and behold, my work finally decides to block it. >.< FACK! T_T

Now my work had done this before in the past and the next day it's back up. So hopefully this is the case, however I'm not keeping my hopes up. I just hope my other webcomics aren't blocked..


btw long rant coming soon...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

great boobity boobs


That's all I can possibly sum up what I'm about to show you.

Just: ...

or maybe a >.< or O_O

or those weird Japanese people and their silly weird things..

but OMG.. I couldn't help but cringe and laugh all the same time.

I mean I've seen weirder and worse things that came from Otakudom and their fetishes, but GODDAMN!


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

quick post

Thanks to jaberwockynmt at LJ. He helped me create a live syndicate feed of blogspot to LJ. ^_^

Thanks again!

But just wanted to say, so far I've read 200 pages in Eragon. Almost halfway done with the book and OMG I am in love! The book is just amazing. I find it just absolutely incredible such a young person can write such a wonderful story with good lore. The movie has barely done this book justice and there is just so much difference in the novel vs the movie, that the hollywood hacks have honestly done shame upon such a great book. BOO.

I also found a really good fansite to Eragon, even though it's not as updated as is. The website is I also noticed they have podcasts of it! And like Harry Potter, I will have to eagerly awaite and anticipate the final book. I believe I might have this book done by end of the week or early next week with the pace I'm going at and will definitely have to purchase Eldest ASAP.

Ok back to reading!

Books, Books, Books!

Lately over the last few months, I've actually started reading books. Books, not manga. Mind you, there is absolutely nothing wrong with manga. I love manga to death, however, I've been slacking on my manga because I just don't feel like reading them at the moment.

Over the last few months, I believe since September or October, I've read 4 books all at least 400 pages long. Specifically I've been reading the Harry Potter series. I'm positively in love with this series. I'm becoming more and more the HP fangirl everyday.

I borrowed the books from Jeremy, and first started reading Goblet of Fire, because I heard there are quite the number of differences in the book vs. the movie. It took me a while to finish the book, but I finished it. I then followed with book 5, Order of the Phoenix, by far the longest HP book, I believe hardback was like 900+ pages. I finished that book with in 9 days. It's by far my most favorite HP book and am eagerly anticipating the movie release this summer in July! I then followed with the most recent book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Very good book as well. I took my time with it and I think I finished it with in 2 weeks or so. I then went backwards and read Prisoner of Azkaban, because Jeremy informed me that that book was the most different vs the movie, and I would have to agree. I enjoyed reading the book more than the movie and am quite upset how different the movie was and the changes they made.

Eventually I'll read books 1 & 2, Sorcerer's Stone & Chamber of Secrets, but that's after I finished reading a few other books, which I'll mention later.

In addition to my HP fangirlism of reading the books, I'm also addicted to the fan based HP Podcasts. Mainly the one from ( I've listened to 20+ of their podcasts and am getting the earlier episodes that I've missed. They are about an hour long type talk shows of these Potter fans around the world and they discuss theories, opinions, discussions and debates about elements of the books, future books, and what the upcoming movies might bring. Yes very geeky stuff, and I'm damn proud of it! Listening to this podcast has kept me amused many times during the day as I work. I also recently downloaded another Harry Potter podcast and it's pretty decent and found more stuff to keep me entertained during the day! I need to find more podcasts like this. It's refreshing listening to "talk radio" at times vs music during the day.

Currently the new book I'm reading is Eragon. Yeah, the book that was recently made into a movie. Jeremy and I watched the movie, intrigued because it's a fantasy type movie and nothing is cool like a movie about dragons! ^_^ The movie was pretty decent, at times I feel the plot was rushed and not enough character development of the main character, Eragon and the relationship of him and other characters, still overall, enjoyable.

Jeremy and I both picked up our own copy, because we figured, they are going to make a sequel of this movie, because the book series is a trilogy, and it would be cool to see what happens next. Also the author, Christopher Paolini, wrote this book at the age of nineteen. NINETEEN! Geez. That's pretty amazing for a best seller. Anyways I'm currently 1/4 way through the book and already I enjoy the book more than the movie. Many differences from the movie and hope that as I read further, I find out that they butchered the movie vs the book. But definitely a very enjoyable book. Currently Jeremy and I are kinda on a race to see who finishes the book first and I'm ahead of him by far, but then again he hasn't really started reading, but he's a fairly fast reader vs me, so I guess over the next few days I will be reading a lot.

But yeah, I'm on a current binge of reading books. I already have half the year planned on my reading. After I finish reading Eragon, I'm gonna pick up the sequen, Eldest. Then I'll read books 1 & 2 of Harry Potter, then reread Order of the Phoenix before the movie comes out and reread Half-Blood Prince, because it's very highly speculated that the final Harry Potter book, Deathly Hallows is coming out early July and I want to have the story fresh in my head. After that I might get into the Dan Brown series. He's more commonly known for his book, The Da Vinci Code. I might read the Da Vinci Code, but I've seen the movie and I'm not sure if I want to read that book, however there is a prequel called Angels & Demons, that Jeremy raves is great. So another book to add to the list.

So yeah, books. Reading. I'm honestly very impressed with myself from my recent addiction to reading books. It feels very refreshing reading books and enjoying them and doing something different vs playing video games or WoW. From all the reading, I can honestly say I've read more in the past few months than I possibly read in all of high school.

I can only hope I find more books down the road that will keep my interest in reading.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

More snow, more debt

Yes it's snowing again. It's snowing pretty damn fast, not big flakes, but fast and hard enough to make a difference. Just when the roads were getting pretty clear and the ice was melting, it decides to snow again. Man I don't remember it being this bad for a long time. Snow never seems to last where I am at in Washington, however, this year is an exception. Snow is definitely for kids. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of being cold.

However pretty it can be, to me it's just not worth it.

Well on more bad news, it seems I have to replace the clutch in my car. Me, thinking I had full coverage/warranty on my car, took it to the dealership to get it checked. Initially I thought it was my transmission going out, but it appears to be the clutch. Unfortunately my clutch was only covered for the first year. /sigh

They quoted me at a price of a whopping $1400 to fix the fucking thing! Right. I was like, umm.. no, I'll just shop around, however I had to pay them $90 for inspecting it for like 30 mins. What a rip-off. I'm very angry at that fact. So I did some shopping around and found better quotes at around $700. So yeah, I need muster up money for that. /sigh

I was gonna use my saved money to buy a Wii, but alas, that will have to wait. ; _ ;

So all in all a pretty shitty start for the new year still.


Friday, January 12, 2007

The epic journey for the Pink DS Lite

Like I stated in previous posts, I would tell the story of the pink Nintendo DS lite.

How it all started, I had a white DS lite already and Jeremy had the older model of the DS with the crappy back light. As my usual giving self, I came up with the idea of buying a new DS, a pink one for me, and giving Jeremy my old white one. Of course new DS's cost $140, and I knew I wasn't gonna just shell out all the money for that. So I thought of as a surprise, taking his old DS to gamestop for the trade in value of $40, Jeremy chipping in like $40, and me paying the difference of $60 or so.

So I finally let Jeremy in on this idea, he was ecstatic, and then I remembered one of his friends didn't have a DS, however owned a few DS games, so he sold it to his friend for $50.

Anyways last Friday I go to Jeremy's that evening to begin it what turned out to be a scavenger hunt for the oh so pretty in pink Nintendo DS Lite. We first go out to the local Gamestop, hang out there for a bit, talk to the clerks about games, WoW, WoW TCG, various stuff and assuming they had DS's in and seeing the display boxes out I ask them for a Pink DS. They unfortunately have been sold out and informed me the next 2 local Gamestops were sold out as well. I ask them why in the hell did they have the display boxes out if they didn't even have them in stock, they informed me it's corporate policy.

Fuck corporate policy. That's so false advertising and just a big fucking cock tease beyond a reasonable doubt. T_T

So then I call a Walmart, in hopes they had it in stock. The first Walmart I call, just happened to have one Pink DS in stock, I ask them if they can hold it for me. The clerk told me they usually don't do that, but he'll hold it for me. I get his name and tell him we're on our way. This Walmart happened to be like 15-20 mins drive. It took about 25 mins because it was pretty damn windy and rainy that night.

This Walmart as usual, was packed as fuck. So we go straight to the game section. And they had a long line. I try getting a sales associate asap to ask about the Pink DS. Seems right when we ask them to open the display case so we can get the pink DS, the associate tells us that they just sold their last pink DS. I was like WTF!? So I complain vehemently to them which was pretty much a waste of fucking time because why would asstard minimum wage clerks give a rat's ass if I was happy or not. So I call the next local Walmart to see if they had any in stock. Nope. No love there either.

So Jeremy and I were back at square one. Luckily where were at, there was a decent number of stores in the vicinty that sold gaming electronics. But first we decided to grab some dinner because we were hungry type peoples. So as we brave it through the nasty rain and wind, we grab some Arbys. As I'm at Arbys, I took that time of sitting down and called 3 Best Buys, 2 Walmarts, 4 Gamestops, 3 EB Games, 2 Targets, 2 Fred Meyers, & 2 Kmarts, to see if they had no DS lites in stock.

Cock blocked. /sigh /wrists Apparently it was too early for the stores to recover from the holiday sales. /poop

So again, at square one. It was getting late. As we were driving, we passed by the local mall, and I happened to notice Sears. I think to myself "Hey Sears sells games and electronics, let's try that" with one last iota of hope left in me. So we go to the mall with 5 minutes left till closing. In one direction was an EB Games I haven't called, so Jeremy and I split up. I go to EB Games, he goes to Sears. Too bad the place we entered the mall, both locations were at the opposite ends. So I then start running, hauling ass, seeing all the shops closing up, praying to whatever gaming gods there were in this world to have EB Games still open and having a Pink DS lite for sale.

I made it to EB Games. Panting heavily, I ask if they had any Pink DS Lites. The clerk then answers. "Yes we got some in today, but we already sold out". NOOOOO!!! FFS NOOOO!!!Was I cursed or something?! Don't fucking cock tease me for a split second with answering me "Yes" then say you dont have anymore. For 2 seconds my face lit up then was crushed in heartbeat.

I then get a call from Jeremy. Lost all hope already, I pretty much thought he was calling me to say Sears didn't have any either. He says, "They have one last Pink DS here. Get here now" ZOMG! ZOMG! I then say "I'm on my way" hang up, and run like a bat out of hell from one end of the mall to the other to get to Sears.

I made it in time before they closed the doors. Run upstairs seeing Jeremy holding the Pink DS Lite with a smile. I'm panting and smiling. :D The gods finally showed me mercy.

What was amusing was how Jeremy was describing to me how he came upon it. As he was also running to Sears, he goes upstairs and goes to the gaming section. And like out of a dream, a heavenly light seemed have shown itself on a glass case. A heavenly tune sang, and there it was, sticking out, shining so brightly, the Pink DS Lite. Like it was a prophecy, some sort calling. Like we were meant to buy that DS from Sears. It was meant for me. It was destiny!

So after 3 hours of searching, calling, I got my Pink DS Lite! ^_^ I also got a Yoshi game case holder. Pics below. So the epic journey of finding the Pink DS Lite shall always be remembered and I will always treasure it's pretty pinkness and adore it and love it forever!

The End

My pretty in pink DS Lite! You know you love it! And notice the game I have on. Animal Crossing Wild World = <3

My pretty Yoshi game case! Yoshi is just too damn cute!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

debit card woes

So for New Year's I went to Vegas with my family.

Needless to say it was beyond overrated. Vegas can DIAF. But to get to the main point, I lost my license & my visa check/debit card. It was uber lame. But my check card wasn't used, thank the lord. I called the 800 lost card line and they told me they put a lost/stolen status on the card. I believe that was the 30th.

I get back home. I go to my credit union to order a new card on the 3rd. The teller tells me, my card was never given a lost/stolen status. WTF? So then she told me she'll cancel the card and order me a new one at a $10 charge. The charge I don't mind, the whole it was never put as a lost/stolen, scared the crap out of me.

So it's been over a week, and normally by now I would have already gotten my check card in the mail.

No check card.

So I call my credit union this morning asking on the status. Seems they never reissued me a new card. So they said they did it today. We'll see.

How annoying. T_T I hate not having a check card. I feel so naked without it. I pretty much pay all my bills online using that as well as do any shopping. Now I have to have stupid cash to carry around. I hate carrying around cash because if I lose my wallet, I lose it. No recovery whatsoever. If I were to lose my check card and if it was used, I would be able to get my monies back.

So another week withougt plastic. How weird. I guess I can pay my online bills with e-checks, however it's just annoying.


snow?! >.<


So not a big fan of snow. I'm lucky I'm in an area of Puget Sound that doesn't get a lot of snow, however, the areas around me seem to have gotten way more than the good ol' town of Lakewood.

Roads weren't too bad this morning. Made it in for OT. I really should work one more hour after work. Monies = <3.

I've had my eyes set on buying the oh-so-loverly Sex And the City Ultimate Box Set from Target for like $180. I want it so badly. I've had cravings of watching that series again. It's fun to watch/listen to as I play my new addiction, Animal Crossing Wild World for the Nintendo DS. I can't get enough of the game. I know the game came out a while ago and I'm so behind, but meh, I play games on my own time and accord. I don't need to be up-to-date with all the hip new games. But if you haven't played Animal Crossing, you should. It's so cute and addicting. I must have played for like at least 4+ hours last night. I haven't played a game for that long since WoW.

Yeah, WoW...meh.

I honestly have no desire to log onto there anymore. Even with the expansion coming out on Tuesday, I could honestly care less. I mean, yeah, it will be fun rolling a Blood Elf, but I'm in no hurry. I mean I spent $140 on my Pink DS, and I plan on getting my monies worth.

Btw I'll post sometime in the story telling of how I got my oh so pretty in pink DS lite. I originally had the white one, but yeah I'll tell that story later.

I hope the snow is done, but from what I hear, there is gonna be ice rain and what not. I just hope the roads are clear this weekend so I can go see my man.

Back to work..


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

oh noes! not another blog!

So this is blogspot..


At least it's not blocked by my work! Well not yet that is, however, I do really miss my livejournal. I have so many years into that badboy and so many friends there. Maybe I'll actually make an attempt to post there whenever I'm at home.

Hmm.. I'll have to work with the settings here.

I wonder if I'm able to add friends here like LJ and filter my posts etc. because I don't want any psycho ex boyfriends *cough* Brien *cough* to stumble upon here reading my personal shite.


Blogspot, ho! ^_^