Wednesday, January 17, 2007

quick post

Thanks to jaberwockynmt at LJ. He helped me create a live syndicate feed of blogspot to LJ. ^_^

Thanks again!

But just wanted to say, so far I've read 200 pages in Eragon. Almost halfway done with the book and OMG I am in love! The book is just amazing. I find it just absolutely incredible such a young person can write such a wonderful story with good lore. The movie has barely done this book justice and there is just so much difference in the novel vs the movie, that the hollywood hacks have honestly done shame upon such a great book. BOO.

I also found a really good fansite to Eragon, even though it's not as updated as is. The website is I also noticed they have podcasts of it! And like Harry Potter, I will have to eagerly awaite and anticipate the final book. I believe I might have this book done by end of the week or early next week with the pace I'm going at and will definitely have to purchase Eldest ASAP.

Ok back to reading!


Unknown said...

*blink*... you like Eragon?


Ro said...

lol what of it? what's wrong with Eragon?

I am Loving the book more and more as I read it and at the same time despising the movie more and more as I read the novel.

Have you read the novel? Or just saw the movie?

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