Tuesday, January 30, 2007

upcoming conventions

So the Penny Arcade Expo site is finally updated for the new dates of it. Pretty much the only thing on there worth doing is registering. At least I know the dates, so I can schedule time off to go.

Also there is Sakura Con which is in April. I do believe I'm still a guest liason. I hope so at least, if not, hmm.. However, I did look at the guest list so far and saw this guy as a guest. ZOMG!

I wonder if I'll be assigned as his guest liason. *cough*hint*cough*Chris L*cough*

I can only imagine how funny Jeff Jacques would be. If anything I'll try to make it to his panels, buy some cool shirts and have him autograph something.

But yeah, looks like I'll have to save some money for both those cons. I'm just looking forward to go! ^_^

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