Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Another Convention

Totally forgot about Emerald City Comicon at Qwest Field March 31st-April 1st. Jeremy & I will be attending.

I look foward to seeing Scott Kurtz from PvP, Brian Michael Bendis & Mike Avon Oeming (creatos of Powers), to name a few choice guests there.

I'll have to stop by TicketMaster to get tickets. It'll be fun going since I've never been to an actual Comic Convention. ^_^ I'll have to make sure to either pick up all the Powers Series to have them signed or just stop by the Comic Book Ink booth and buy them there.

Either way more Convention love to be had!


Unknown said...

Comic book conventions are mostly like really big exhibitors halls, with some other stuff around XD I haven't been to ECCC since I worked at The Comic Zone (man, old school...), so I don't know exactly how it is. My comic shop, Comic Book Ink, will probably be there, you should drop by their booth! ^_^ They're cool. But yeah, mostly shop booths, so bring money XD or stuff to get signed by industry peeps.

Ro said...

Yeah I figured as much, but I just want to go to say I went to one and I do want some autograph love. Plus there is also some anime type stores that are gonna be in the dealers room. Yeah I also saw CBI on the list of dealers. Definitely will support them when it comes to buying Powers.